Tools to help public health professionals and advocates communicate about the value of public health and collaboration
During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health communications and messaging are more important than ever. To meet their mission of ensuring the conditions in which everyone can be healthy, public health professionals must be able to forge close partnerships with professionals in other sectors. Doing so requires communicating clearly about the value of public health and the value of collaborating.
Other community leaders – who come to the table with their own missions, priorities, and areas of expertise — often have a limited understanding of the public health field, or of health as a community issue. PHRASES (Public Health Reaching Across Sectors) is a partnership between the de Beaumont Foundation and the Aspen Institute’s Health, Medicine and Society program to create tools to bridge these gaps. On behalf of PHRASES, the FrameWorks Institute conducted extensive research to identify gaps in understanding and test framing strategies. The full PHRASES communications toolkit will be released this summer; this site offers select tools that can be applied immediately.
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