121–130 of 141 results

Building Sustainable Financing Structures for Population Health: Insights from Non-Health Sectors

“In October 2016, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Roundtable on Population Health Improvement hosted a workshop to explore sustainable financing structures that reflect a recognition of the health and non-health factors that shape the well-being of U.S. communities. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.”


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Building Public Health Capacity to Advance Equity: A National Environmental Scan of Tribal, State, and Local Government Public Health

“Building Public Health Capacity to Advance Equity is an environmental scan funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to explore governmental public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. Through literature reviews, in-depth interviews and focus groups with health officials, public health experts, and community leaders across the country, [they] have identified a variety of opportunities for governmental public health to advance equity.”


National Collaborative for Health Equity


Building Collaboration from the Inside Out

“The call for greater collaboration has been a persistent drumbeat in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors in recent years. The message is clear: The scale and complexity of the problems that the sectors seek to address require collaborative approaches. A go-it-alone mentality will not result in meaningful impact.”


Lori Bartczak, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations


Building a Culture of Health

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the RAND Corporation developed the “Culture of Health Action Framework [that] sets a national agenda to improve health, equity and well-being. Informed by rigorous research on the multiple factors which affect health, it recognizes there are many ways to build a Culture of Health, and provides numerous entry points for all types of organizations to get involved.”


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

BUILD Health Challenge

“The Build Health Challenge is contributing to the creation of a new norm in the US, one that puts multi-sector community partnerships at the foundation of improving health for everyone.” Be sure to take a look at the following collaboration resources on their website: Getting BUILD Ready: Tools for Moving Resources, Attention, and Action Upstream to Drive Sustainable Improvements in Community Health; Learning Series: Keys to Collaboration Report; and Learning Series: Data Sharing within Cross-Sector Collaboration.


Colorado Health Foundation, de Beaumont Foundation, Kresge Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Advisory Board Company

Beyond Business As Usual: Governance Mechanisms for Cross-Sector Partnerships

“One challenge that arises in cross-sector partnerships is the set of practical governance tools available to each of the partners, which we argue differ significantly across sectors. Consequently, alliances between companies and non-profits must rely on other partnership structures and governance mechanisms. Our research suggests that similar challenges arise in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) between businesses and governments.”


The Intersector Project


Applying A 3.0 Transformation Framework To Guide Large-Scale Health System Reform

In this article, Neal Halfon and coauthors explain the 3.0 Transformation Framework that they “developed to stimulate thinking and support the planning and development of the new roadmap for the next generation of the US health care system” and “how the 3.0 Transformation Framework has been used and applied in national, state, and local settings.”


Health Affairs

An Environmental Scan of Recent Initiatives Incorporating Social Determinants in Public Health

“In recent years, numerous efforts have arisen across the United States that explicitly seek to improve the public’s health by catalyzing collaboration across multiple societal sectors. In this article [the authors] identify, categorize, and describe an array of multisector initiatives and collaborations currently under way across the United States that explicitly include attention to social, economic, and environmental factors to foster community health and well-being.”


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Affordable Housing & Health: City Roles and Strategies for Progress

“Cities nationwide are experiencing housing-related challenges, with a growing share of the population unable to afford to rent or own a home. Residents struggle to afford not just a place to live, but a stable home that supports their health and well-being. This paper explores the factors that contribute to affordable housing and health, including examples of successful strategies used by cities to generate and preserve healthy and affordable housing.”


National League of Cities


Advancing Education and Health through the Community Schools Strategy

This report summarizes the lessons learned from the Mayors’ Institute on Advancing Education and Health through a Community Schools Strategy in May 2017 hosted by the National League of Cities’ (NLC) Institute for Youth, Education, and Families (YEF Institute). The YEF Institute is committed to supporting “mayors and city leaders in developing effective strategies to ensure that all children and families develop the skills needed to thrive in the 21st Century workforce.”


National League of Cities