71–80 of 141 results

The Relationship Between School Attendance and Health

“Chronic absenteeism is a critical national problem that puts more than 6.5 million schoolchildren at risk for falling behind academically, dropping out of school and serious long-term health, employment and financial consequences. There is a growing movement among schools, states and the federal government to address the underlying causes of chronic absenteeism. This policy brief takes a close look at the reasons behind chronic absenteeism, its adverse impact on health and life outcomes, and potential solutions.”


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


The ROI of Health and Well-Being: Business Investment in Healthier Communities

“This paper is a product of [the partnership between the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center (USCCF) and the Action Collaborative on Business Engagement in Building Healthy Communities], exploring the business motivation for investing in community health, the processes involved in that effort, and the challenges stakeholders faced when pursuing these initiatives.”


National Academy of Medicine


The Win-Win Project

“The Win-Win project is a long-term initiative of the Center for Health Advancement at the Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA. It provides good science that drives real-world policy change by showing the education, crime and health impact to populations and value to governments of policies, systems, and programmatic innovations. The project provides a standardized, unbiased economic analysis of interventions to help public-health officials make informed policy and program decisions and engage in cross-sectoral collaboration.”


UCLA Center for Health Advancement

Toward Data-Driven, Cross-Sector, and Community-Led Transformation: An Environmental Scan of Select Programs

“AcademyHealth’s Community Health Peer Learning Program explored 17 national and regional programs supporting local and cross-sector collaborations focused on population health improvement at the community level. This environmental scan establishes a baseline understanding for this emerging field of practice, and sheds light on possible opportunities at the funder, program and local project levels to hasten progress toward greater connectivity and collective action.”




Improving Population Health by Working with Communities: Action Guide 3.0

“The Action Guide is a framework to help multi-sector groups work together to improve population health by addressing 10 interrelated elements for success and using the related resources as needed. Like a “how-to” manual, the Action Guide is organized by these 10 elements and contains definitions, recommendations, practical examples, and a range of resources to help communities achieve their shared goals and make lasting improvements in population health.”


National Quality Forum


Unstable, Unsafe Housing Harms Children’s Brain Development

“Research documenting the harmful effects on children when families must keep moving to find a safe, affordable home.”


Build Healthy Places Network in Crosswalk Magazine


Using Needs Assessments to Connect Learning + Health: Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

“This guide is intended to highlight the ways that school needs assessments required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) can be a valuable tool in identifying, understanding and addressing health conditions that contribute to poor academic performance. It provides child advocates, community leaders, school personnel and other key stakeholder groups with the information that they need to convince their state and local education leaders to make health and wellness a significant component of the needs assessment and school improvement process.”


Alliance for a Healthier Generation and Healthy Schools Campaign


Using State Policy to Create Healthy Schools: Coverage of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework in State Statutes and Regulations: School Year 2017-2018

“Child Trends partnered with the Institute for Health Research and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago and EMT Associates, Inc. to review relevant state statutes and regulations enacted as of September 2017 and analyze their alignment with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model of healthy schools. Findings from this work are compiled in three products to help policymakers and advocates better understand the current landscape and consider the creation of policies that promote healthy schools.”


Child Trends


Webinar: Transforming Public Health through Collaboration with Health Care

This webinar, recorded on November 14, 2016 by PHNCI, discusses “the importance of [public health and health care] collaboration and [provides] information about two national initiatives (the newly launched Digital Bridge project and the State Health Values and Strategies program) aimed at improving population health through reforming the delivery of health care services and exchanging information between sectors.”


Public Health National Center for Innovations


What CEOs Say

This YouTube playlist contains the full videos and highlights from the What CEOs Say series from the Harvard Chan School of Public Health. The interviews in the series “focus on CEOs who have successfully executed a Culture of Health, talking about how they actually did so.” For more information: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/leadership-studio/what-ceos-say/.


Leadership Studio at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health